Sunday 26 August 2012

ArHi FF Answered Prayers - Chapter 6

- Chapter 6 -
"I asked for a coffee dammit, not tea!" roared Arnav Singh Raizada at his petrified secretary.
Her face suddenly controrted into a pained expression. But this was only to be expected. Everyone at AR companies was well aware of Arnav's anger. When he was angry, he transformed from the business tycoon Arnav Singh Raizada to the devil itself (minus the stereotypical horns on the head and the fiery tail of course). Lucky were those few odd people who managed to avoid him in his times of anger. And those poor souls who faced Arnav's wrath were scarred for the remainder of their employment at his company. Unfortunately, it seemed that today was simply not a good day for the employees of AR.
"Next time you bring me what I ASK you to bring, got it?!" He continued, fury swimming in his eyes. The young woman stood trembling in front of him. She was certain that he had told her to bring tea. In fact, most of the her co-workers had heard him say the same. But she had not completely lost her mind yet. She knew better than to argue with Arnav Singh Raizada.
"Y-yessir! I-I'm sorry sir! Right away sir! Will there be anything else?" Lisa felt more like a waiter at a hotel rather than Arnav's secretary. But if she wanted her job, she would have to stick with being a waiter for now. "Did I ASK for anything else?!" He screeched. Lisa's heart was at her feet. She seemed to be doing everything wrong today. She bit her lip, tasting her own metallic blood as she shook her head. There was another moment of silence before Arnav smacked his hand on the table. "Well then?! What the hell are you waiting for?! Go get my damn COFFEE!" She could feel the tears brimming in her eyes. In all her six years of working at AR, she had faced Arnav's anger numerous times. But nothing like today. The frustration seemed to be pouring out of him to such an extent that it was becoming unbearable to even be near him let alone speak to him. His secretary nodded before making a hasty exit out the door lest she be scolded once more.
Arnav sank down in his revolving chair after hearing the door come to a tight close behind his secretary. He let out an exhasperated sigh. He was upset, hurt and furious all at once. Not a good combo. And when it came to Arnav Singh Raizada? DEFINATELY NOT a good combo. The worst part of it was that he himself wasn't sure of the reason behind his bad mood. He would never admit that the girl in the hospital could have played a part of it. A part of him was anxious. Maybe it hadn't been the best idea to leave her behind - especially when her mental state was not exactly what one would describe as "stable". Another part of him was angry at the absurd accusations that had been thrown upon him by the girl. Had she really thought that he was just waiting to take advantage of her? OF HER? She thinks too highly of herself. His hand was fisted so tightly that his knuckles had turned a strange shade of white. Me - Arnav Singh Raizada - interested in that...that THING of a girl?! She obviously hasn't seen her face in the mirror. Messy hair, swollen lips, fat nose...oh yeah, that's just BEGGING for her to be taken, isn't it? But he knew that she wasn't completely wrong to doubt him. She barely knew him after all! He was just a stranger to her! So it was only natural for her to misunderstand him...right? But after all I did for her.... I stayed up the whole night for her, dammit! And then a sudden burst of guilt filled him. And who was the one who brought her to such state in the first place? Me.... He closed his eyes, rubbing his temples meekly. You're the one who caused the accident Arnav. You're the one who took her entire life away from her. He thought, in spite of himself. You have absolutely no right to believe that you did a favour for her by staying up the whole night. And what did she say, anyways that made you so angry?! All she told you was to leave. And it was becuase YOU suggested to HER that she should live in your house. Any sane girl would misunderstand it! But instead of correcting your mistake, you decided to WALK OUT OF THERE because your damn ego was so hurt? What kind of a man are you?! Arnav felt his head spinning with thoughts. Was he right or was he wrong? Should he have left her or should he have not? Should he have brought her home with him or not? Was she safe right now? Was she feeling better? Should he go to the hospital now? Should he talk to her? Try to correct her misunderstanding? Try to convince her to come home with him? To say that he was totally confused would be an understatement. But right now, the only thought he had was whether or not the girl he had seen this morning was alright. He had to know.
Quickly, he picked up the phone, searching in the directory for the hospital number. He had just about managed to find the page when he heard three light raps on the door. "May I come in, sir?" It was his secretary. "Come in." He declared, gruffly. She walked in, balancing a mug of coffee with a plate of biscuits on the silver tray. Arnav glared at the coffee and then at the cookies, as if they had committed a sin simply by existing. "I...I know you like these biscuits... so... so I brought them along with the coffee." She answered, meekly. "B-But if you don't want them, I'll take them away right now, sir." She added, seeing his eyes harden. There was a moment of silence, as Arnav contemplated on whether to send another round of fiery insults at his employee or not. After moments of thinking, he finished with, "No. Leave them here. You may leave." Lisa gazed at him, surprised. She had expected something more...erm...dramatic to say the least. With papers flying, some screaming, loud enough to break the glass walls around his cabin and perhaps a few tears as well. And upon not receiving any of them, his secretary was left with quite a shock. She nodded, not wanting to push her luck as she stepped out the door.
Arnav's eyes trailed back down to the directory as he scanned the page for the hospital's number. In the next two minutes, Arnav had efficiently found the number, dialed it, and had already begun conversing with the hospital staff. "Hello, is this City Hospital?" Upon receiving a confirmation, Arnav continued. "I need details about a patient in your hospital." He bit his lip, feeling suddenly nervous. But the response he heard next, reignited the fire within him. "We are sorry sir, but we cannot give you personal information about any patient in this hospital unless you are a relative of that patient." Arnav stood up, shocked. Who the hell had the audacity to refuse an order from Arnav Singh Raizada himself? "Do you have any idea who I am? I can close down your hospital in 30 days, I can get all the workers of your hospital jobless in 3 days and I can get YOU fired in 3 SECONDS flat. So you might want to put a little more thought into it before you refuse me." There was silence. And then he spoke. "Alright sir. Which patient do you want to know about?"  Arnav smirked to himself, satisfied with the reponse. "There was a woman in room 306. She was diagnosed with retrograde amnesia. Came in yesterday. I need to know how she's doing." He could hear files being opened and closed and also the rustling of papers. After some brief moments of wait, the man answered. "It says in her file that her physical state was perfectly change in mental health.... She's been prescribed with some antibiotics. They'll help with the pain that she'll be experiencing these next few days. She was discharged about an hour ago." Arnav almost choked on the coffee that he was sipping. "WHAT?! DISCHARGED?! WITHOUT INFORMING ME?!" His rage escalated to a new level altogether. How could they have been so irresponsible to have done such a thing?! Not one phone call to him? Was that even legal?! Where would she go? What state would she be in right now?! She had no money, no clothes, no food, no shelter, no nothing! How would she survive?! And then he felt his heart sink. It's your fault. He realized. All your fault Arnav. You're the one who told the doctor not to inform you of anything to do with that girl.... That's why they didn't call. That's why she's been discharged without a word to you. Because of your own stupidity. But it was time to correct matters now. If he had created problems, he would fix them as well. He wouldn't let her suffer. He wouldn't see her be hurt by his foolishness anymore...first with the car accident... and now by simply letting her go.... He would have to find her. No matter what it took he would find her and he would protect her. No Matter What. Hang in there, sweetheart.... he thought. I'm coming. 

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